Scan the QR Code found on the top right-hand corner of the certificate (using a barcode reader or by downloading a QR scanner app on a mobile). The 2d barcode is also found on the bottom of the certificate for ease of reference;
The barcode should be inputted in the first field as explained in step 1;
Input the Taxpayer Reference and Submission Reference found on the certificate;
Click on verify.
Not Verified
Steps to follow to verify Online Return:
Input the Barcode by scanning the QR Code found on bottom of the document (using a barcode reader or by downloading a QR scanner app on a mobile) or by typing the barcode text found on the bottom of the certificate for ease of reference;
Input a Taxpayer Reference number from the first section of the return statement;
Input the Year of Assessment found on the return statement;
Input the Total Chargeable Income found in box 25a if you are single or the amount in box 25d if otherwise from the return statement;
Input the Total Tax on Chargeable Income by entering the amount found in box 27 of the return statement;